What do you use a pressure cooker for?
On Sunday, June 30, 2013 7:36:28 PM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
> Assuming that you do use one. My mom used to have one but used it rarely.
> She was always afraid it would explode. And I've read countless old timey
> stories where they did explode. I gather that the new ones don't do that.
The previous generation (1950s) all had either Presto or Mirros, and none of them ever blew up. As long as the rocker kept rocking, steam was being released. But you had to sit within a room or two, so you could hear it.
The lids were equipped with overpressure safety devices, as well.
> I can't remember what my mom used hers for. I think they are supposed to be
> good for beans and I do make a lot of beans but... They don't take long to
> cook on the stove.
> I probably won't get one because don't really need another large thing
> taking up space that I don't have. But if the food would come out in some
> way as better tasting or better quality or something, I might consider it.
> For me, time isn't really a factor. There are plenty of quick meals I can
> fix if I need to. Like pasta or bean tacos.
We use ours mostly for giant artichokes, which we like to peel, dip, and eat. They can't be beat for cooking tongue, and my wife grew to love certain 50s recipes.
Beans I think you have to watch, in that they expand and possibly clog the rocker vent.