What do you use a pressure cooker for?
Julie Bove wrote:
> I probably won't get one because don't really need another large thing
> taking up space that I don't have. But if the food would come out
> in some way as better tasting or better quality or something, I might
> consider it. For me, time isn't really a factor. There are plenty of
> quick meals I can fix if I need to. Like pasta or bean tacos.
Mom used it a lot for polenta: it would always stick to the bottom but it
didn't give any burnt flavor or smell to polenta as long as we just scooped
out the rest and leave that half-burned part on the bottom. When the pot
gets cold fill it with water and wash it the next day. This way one cooks
regular polenta, not the instant or wuick ones, without having to stir so
many times along 45 minutes. The tricks are to mix it well and make it a
little watery than usual before closing the lid.
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin