Casa Boner Getting Worse, Not Better
Sqwertz wrote:
>> Of course, as an auk-troll that would be your only offering.
> That's twice now you've accused Vilco of being a troll from
> alt.usenet.kooks. Which is yet another accusation plucked from the
> outer space that resides inside you head.
> Vilco is the creator of RFC.
> Oops!
> You REALLY stepped in it that time. May all of Hell rain down on you.
> BTW, the only AUKers here (all TWO of them) are only responding to
> YOUR posts, Boner. That makes you the "group killer". Consider them
> the Grim Reaper coming for you.
He'll take days to figure that out, even with you helping him to it.
> Time to take a few weeks hiatus and reinvent a "New and Improved!"
> identity as RFC savior. It's just a troll, folks. Not surprisingly
> it showed up just as school let for the summer.
Eh eh eh
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin