What do you use a pressure cooker for?
On 7/2/2013 10:31 AM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
> casa bona > wrote:
>> On 7/1/2013 7:51 AM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>>> Assuming that you do use one. My mom used to have one but used it rarely.
>>>> She was always afraid it would explode. And I've read countless old timey
>>>> stories where they did explode. I gather that the new ones don't do that.
>>>> I can't remember what my mom used hers for. I think they are supposed to be
>>>> good for beans and I do make a lot of beans but... They don't take long to
>>>> cook on the stove.
>>>> I probably won't get one because don't really need another large thing
>>>> taking up space that I don't have. But if the food would come out in some
>>>> way as better tasting or better quality or something, I might consider it.
>>>> For me, time isn't really a factor. There are plenty of quick meals I can
>>>> fix if I need to. Like pasta or bean tacos.
>>>> Thanks!
>>> Pressure cookers increase the boiling point of water, which
>>> cooks the food faster.
>>> At 15psi, boiling water is about 250°F (120°C).
>>> There is also some increased energy efficiency, probably not
>>> a lot.
>>> HTH.
>> Oh look, the auk troll morphs adroitly enough to provide real cooking
>> input...
> Please stop trolling rfc. Nobody here wants to hear it.
Please go back to stalking the old man who lives in a bus.
It really has defined who you are over the years.