question about seasonings
On Tue, 2 Jul 2013 18:20:27 +0000 (UTC), "Yes" >
> sf wrote:
> > The only tastings I benefit from are wine tastings because I drink it
> > unadulterated. I've actually been to a tasting of grass fed beef,
> > which IMO was of no benefit. Sure there were differences I could
> > taste, but all were delicious and I wouldn't object to being served
> > any one of them. It also drove home that "tasting" at the home level
> > is a pretentious waste of time.
> Well, that says it all. For those of us who are not cooks and/or who
> do not know the difference in taste between say licorice and salt
> and/or who are curious about what the combinations might taste like, we
> are engaged in a "pretentious waste of time". Therefore, there's no
> point to want to experiment and find out what something tastes like and
> may as well stick our heads in the sand.
You need to grow up.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.