On 02/07/2013 3:26 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
> You just can't be politically correct enough
> for some people.
> http://observer.com/2013/07/holy-tof...rous-cravings/
> Veganism seems to attract these people like
> a magnet. They have so much rage bottled up,
> and being ex-vegan is like shaking that bottle.
I am not a vegan, or even a vegetarian, so I can't bear ill will against
them for having betrayed the idiotic cause. However, I can scorn them
for having gone through the selfish self indulgent fad in the first
place. We had one one our family, showed up here unexpected at a family
gathering, and arrive late and without the vegan food she was apparently
going to bring. My wife had to go searching for something that she could
eat. She pored over every label to check all the ingredients and
rejected just about everything, including my wife's delicious salad
dressing because it has a tiny bit of Worcestersauce, which contains a
bit of anchovy. A year or two later we are at a buffet and she is
chowing down on beef, ham, chicken, fish, shrimp,....