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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by ViLco View Post
Of all the pizzaioli I talked about their tomato sauce for pizza, all told
but one me the same: they buy big cans of pelled tomatoes (pelati) and run
them through a food processor, then they scour the sauce in order to get rid
of the sseds.
The one who differs does the same but then puts some oil and garlic in a big
pot, sautees the garlic, removes it and adds the processed pelati, then let
it get to boiling point and turns off the heat.
Honestly, I can't tell the difference between his tomato and the others',
and this is probably the reason why the others don't cook it.
One fy best pizzas at home, though, was when I had a skillet of pancetta
(unsmoked bacon) and garlic tomato sauce I prepared for pasta: just the
sauce, some mozzarella and shredded gorgonzola here and there.
BTW gorgonzola and tomato sucks bigtime, but pizza makes a kind of a miracle
and they work so good together...
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin

Since pizza was either invented in Noo Yawk City or Chicagostonia...depending on who is keeping books..why do anybody care about how Eyetalians do it? Use a combo of three different brands of canned sauce and all will be well with you and yours. This will save a bunch of manuel labor..seed chasing blah blah blah. Let us know. Also figger half a can of Anchovies and a big wad of pickled japs for each slice. A person cant go wrong like that.