Thread: Capers
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casa bona[_2_] casa bona[_2_] is offline
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Default Capers

On Tue, 2 Jul 2013 22:22:09 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:

> I do not have much experience with these. Used them some time back in a
> recipe and don't recall a problem. Then put them in that rice salad that I
> made last night. I ate one and noticed a medicinal quality to it but since
> there were only 2 T. for the recipe, I thought it would be okay. Well...
> It wasn't! The salad tasted fine when I first made it. But after it sat?
> The capers sort of took over the whole thing and all I could taste was
> those. I fear I am going to have to dump it all out. I could only manage
> to eat a few bites. Even after trying to pick around the capers, they had a
> very aggressive quality to them.
> Did I get bad ones? I bought the store brand but the other kind was about
> twice as expensive. Are they supposed to taste really strong and bitter
> like that? I don't remember the others being like that. I think they
> tasted more like a pickle.

**** your ****ing capers. This is all about Marty and Spin and the
appologists here are just covering up for them by posting food topics
like all this is never happening.

Please go back to stalking the old man who lives in a bus. It really
has defined who you are over the years.

And you know very well what that means, auk-tard!!!!!!