"ViLco" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> When you first started posting here, I thought you were okay because
>> you were posting on topic things and they seemed to make sense. And
>> you seemed nice.
> Typical behavior of a moron who wants to dirsupt a group: introduce
> himself gently, be kind for a while and then start ruining the group and
> accusing soemone of ruining groups. The sad part is: this moron hasn't a
> tenth of the brains and guts needed for that.
>> But now? You are very close to going into my KF.
> I was going to KF him but I'm liking too much the way he's ****ing up
> everything, and with this post at you he reached a new low
>> I really don't care what goes on in other newsgroups that I have no
>> interest in visiting. Keep that crap over there!
> LOL, first he brings shit here then he accuses others of doing it, a royal
> lamer
I think so. And back to the topic. I did screw up. It clearly states on
the jar to rinse before using but... I wish the recipe would have said
that! All I did was look at the ingredients. The rinsing statement was on
the other side of the jar. But if I ever need capers again, I sure won't
get those.