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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default question about seasonings

sf wrote:

>> of their flavors and scents. People working in the tasting business,
>> as it is a business, know a lot more than the average "some people
>> like to make a big deal out of tasting things" Jane.

> Excuse me? You're equating a professional (say a coffee taster) with
> an everyday cook?

Nothing professional, just use use your brain a moment: dry thing do not get
tasted well due to lack of humidity or mastication, bread and oil are for
that. It can't get easier than that and no, I've never been trained for
professional tasting of herbs and spices.

> Then you might as well include the professional
> sniffers too. I prefer doing my tasting AS I cook.

Feel free to go on tasting the way you like

> The only tastings I benefit from are wine tastings because I drink it
> unadulterated. I've actually been to a tasting of grass fed beef,
> which IMO was of no benefit. Sure there were differences I could
> taste, but all were delicious and I wouldn't object to being served
> any one of them. It also drove home that "tasting" at the home level
> is a pretentious waste of time.

Only if you make a big deal out of it
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin