Thread: Capers
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casa bona[_2_] casa bona[_2_] is offline
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Default Capers

On 7/3/2013 3:47 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 06:53:54 +0100, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >, says...
>>>> I do not have much experience with these. Used them some time back in a
>>>> recipe and don't recall a problem. Then put them in that rice salad
>>>> that I
>>>> made last night. I ate one and noticed a medicinal quality to it but
>>>> since
>>>> there were only 2 T. for the recipe, I thought it would be okay.
>>>> Well...
>>>> It wasn't! The salad tasted fine when I first made it. But after it
>>>> sat?
>>>> The capers sort of took over the whole thing and all I could taste was
>>>> those. I fear I am going to have to dump it all out. I could only
>>>> manage
>>>> to eat a few bites. Even after trying to pick around the capers, they
>>>> had a
>>>> very aggressive quality to them.
>>>> Did I get bad ones? I bought the store brand but the other kind was
>>>> about
>>>> twice as expensive. Are they supposed to taste really strong and bitter
>>>> like that? I don't remember the others being like that. I think they
>>>> tasted more like a pickle.
>>> 2 tablespoons sounds an awful lot of capers in anything; are you sure
>>> it wasn't 2 teaspoons?
>>> Janet UK

>> You're the one that's leading the bunch of A-"UK" tards from across
>> the pond just because I'm showing how Lamey you are. You Brits need a
>> new civilization.
>> And don't think I don't know you're "lamey" that hangs out in AUK
>> your headers prove it.

> You have some serious problems.

Yes, the sporger does, hard to say which of the trolls it is, but I'm
not a wee hours poster.