On 7/4/2013 7:05 AM, casa bona wrote:
> Ah the islands, what a life you folks have...bet there are guinea fowl
> about too...
We might have but I haven't seen any in this town. They are pretty cute
and I wouldn't mind. Oddly enough, there are peacocks in some places.
There used to be some by my parent's house. I was visiting my parents
once and heard a loud sound - more like a scream than a bird call. My
brother said it was the peacocks that lived down the street. Sure enough
I would see the birds walking about like they owned the place.
Their call is a bit disquieting, so much so that a Makaha woman went
crazy and killed one with a baseball bat. She was 68 years old at a time
but she ran one down and bashed it's head in. That's some spunky old gal!
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