Dogs and fireworks ....was PEACH GELATO
"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 05/07/2013 10:27 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>> I took my hell hound, a Malinois rescue, to our Canada Fireworks. It
>>> was an experiment. I had no idea how he would react to the fireworks
>>> and was fully prepared to leave if he got upset. As it turned out, he
>>> did not react at all to the noise. However..... he did spot some
>>> other dogs, and all hell broke lose whenever he saw one. I keep
>>> trying to socialize him with other dogs. He is very aggressive with
>>> dogs when he is on a leash, though he is very friendly and playful
>>> with them off leash.
>> Good that he didn't mind the fireworks. I had never heard of a Malinois,
>> so looked it up on Google. Very fine looking dogs. Have you had him
>> long? Our ratty was a rescue and it took awhile before some of her bad
>> habits were overcome. She doesn't care much at all for other dogs but
>> she's not aggressive with them.
> They are one of the variations of Belgium Shepherds. The one we had
> before, also a rescue, was a Groenendahl, and he hated fireworks. We was
> much better behaved and we could take him to events like that and knew he
> would behave, but he trembled and cowered when the fireworks started.
> Malinois are becoming increasingly popular with police and other law
> enforcement agencies. They are a little smaller than German Shepherds but
> are a lot tougher. This guy our ours is a handful.
Good for you that you go the rescue route. I bet he brings you a lot of joy
in the coming years.