11 secret herbs and spices?
On 7/5/2013 1:45 PM, Cheryl wrote:
> On 7/5/2013 7:18 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> The centipede can be aggressive and fast too. I've heard stories of
>> people being chased by them.
> Just how big are the centipedes in HA??
That's a good question. My personal feelings about those critters makes
an objective estimation of their size difficult. My guess is that a big
one would be around 7". A small one would be around half that length.
> I once let my brother and friend borrow my
>> van and they told me that saw a centipede inside and tried to catch it
>> but it was too fast and hid in the dashboard. Man, if that thing fell on
>> my lap, I'd have no other option than crashing into the nearest solid
>> object. Fear is a funny thing...
> I'm that way if a bee gets in my vehicle.
I don't know why a bee should get into a car and in fact, I never knew
of that happening until I had a couple of young kids in the back seat.
Boy, those kids went hysterical. That happened several times - a most
unpleasant occurrence. That hasn't happened since the kids grew up. I
guess the bees know that they would just smash it with a water bottle
and throw it's lifeless body out the window. That's no fun for bees. :-)