On 7/6/2013 11:24 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On 7/5/2013 11:56 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> Ugh that is awful
Nasty things! How do you get rid of them?
> According to Wikipedia, the Buddhists say that if you like to scare
> people, you'll come back as a centipede when you die. This sounds about
> right.
> I'll see small ones a couple of times a year and maybe a big one every 2
> years or so. Having chickens around is probably the only thing that can
> keep them away. That's my belief, anyway.
We get them her also, long red-yellow buggers and we have pest control
spray for them, as well as the even more dangerous bark scorpions.
Either one will on occasion turn up indoors, but almost always in their
writhing death throes.
It pays to be regular with spray applications and we keep a small
sprayer of commercial grade insecticide to renew thresholds and window
frames following the monsoon rains.