On 7/6/2013 7:27 AM, casa bona wrote:
> On 7/6/2013 11:24 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 7/5/2013 11:56 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Ugh that is awful
Nasty things! How do you get rid of them?
>> According to Wikipedia, the Buddhists say that if you like to scare
>> people, you'll come back as a centipede when you die. This sounds about
>> right.
>> I'll see small ones a couple of times a year and maybe a big one every 2
>> years or so. Having chickens around is probably the only thing that can
>> keep them away. That's my belief, anyway.
> We get them her also, long red-yellow buggers and we have pest control
> spray for them, as well as the even more dangerous bark scorpions.
> Either one will on occasion turn up indoors, but almost always in their
> writhing death throes.
> It pays to be regular with spray applications and we keep a small
> sprayer of commercial grade insecticide to renew thresholds and window
> frames following the monsoon rains.
Spraying the areas where they live would help but I rarely see them
inside the house and I'm not sure that spraying is worth the effort. I
am glad of the chicken skittering about the place. They're like a
centipede security patrol.
Speaking of which, our cat also helps with scary pests. The other day he
was playing with a large cane spider in our house. When I checked on him
later, there was spider legs scattered on the floor. Good cat!