Lasagna with no cheese.
On 7/9/2013 3:57 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I know how to do that. Have tried it many times over my lifetime. Tried it
> yesterday with a ring on a string. Kept leading me to a particular part of
> the bushes where the psychic said she was. But she wasn't there. FWIW,
> using that method has never worked for me but at this point I will try
> anything. If she is truly stuck somewhere and in need of assistance, I want
> to find her!
I'm really sorry Julie, but you're *not* trying everything. I was going
to avoid this thread because I don't want to jump on you along with
others, but you've been given good advice and you refuse. It's one
thing with food, but it's completely different when you refuse to try
suggestions to save a living being.
The psychic and the long distance pet detective are *not* going to find
Bali. The real methods of finding a lost pet will usually work, but
just sometimes not overnight, and of course never if something bad
happened to her. SMH
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