Lasagna with no cheese.
"casa bona" > wrote in message
> Could you not camp out nearby, perhaps even in your own yard, anything to
> get your scent and aura out there for her to sense?
> It's a long shot, but what if?
> Maybe Jazzy will sense you, come in, even lead you in the direction Bali
> is.
> It's nerve wracking when cats do this.
Here's the weird thing! Were going to go to my mom's house to take the
remainder of the frozen food because my garage freezer quit working. Did
not go because of a tire issue. *sigh* When it rains it pours here! Did
toss out some food. Yes, I know somebody here will complain about that.
But it amounted to about $6 worth of food. Not a biggie. Cooked a big
dinner tonight and managed to get the rest in either the fridge or freezer.
Anyway... Had called my mom to explain why we did not come over and as I
was hanging up the phone, there was Jazzy on the deck. This time she
sauntered around and let us get close. Did not appear to be upset and did
not call out to us. Let Angela follow her next door. And where did she go?
Yep! To that exact spot in the blackberries where the psychic said that
Bali was and to where my pendulum told me on the map where she was. Angela
was convinced that she was in there.
It was getting dark. We got the best pole we have (actually a light bulb
remover) and three flashlights. I ripped out all of the old dead branches
and we cleared it out as best we could. I looked twice and Angela looked
once. Did not see or hear a thing. So all the more frustrating. But
perhaps if she still is in there somewhere, we loosened up enough stuff to
where she can get out.
Not sure where Jazzy went. Angela said it appeared that she went around the
front of the house. Must go now and put the wildlife cams back out.