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casa bona[_2_] casa bona[_2_] is offline
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Default Lasagna with no cheese.

On 7/10/2013 2:50 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/10/2013 1:41 PM, Jinx the Minx wrote:
>>> On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:16:59 -0600, casa bona > wrote:
>>>> On 7/10/2013 12:04 PM, Jinx the Minx wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:26:37 -0600, casa bona > wrote:
>>>>>> On 7/10/2013 11:23 AM, Jinx the Minx wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:11:19 -0600, casa bona >
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 7/10/2013 10:34 AM, Jinx the Minx wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:31:18 -0600, casa bona >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 7/10/2013 3:07 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "JBurns" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 9 Jul 2013 10:48:43 -0500, Sqwertz
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Jul 2013 23:24:25 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it's ridiculous that some folks believe
>>> people
>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> communicate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with cats on anything but the most primitive level.
>>> Not
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>> "in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person", but most of all psychically and
>>> telepathically.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could communicate with a cat once.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll let somebody else field that one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alas, I do not have the same abilities with my cats.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What's not hard to believe is that there are people
>>> out
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>> who will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gladly relieve you of your money for giving false
>>> hope
>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> having a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loved one returned to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes. I am thinking this lady is wrong despite what
>>> the
>>>>> news
>>>>>>>>> show said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, she was recently on the news <sigh>. Then business
>>>>> for
>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>> must
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be booming. What is happening all too often nowadays
>>> is
>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> advertisers are paying media outlets to feature them
>>> in a
>>>>>>> "news
>>>>>>>>>>>>> story". This is how media, especially TV, can make
>>> more
>>>>>>>>> advertising
>>>>>>>>>>>>> money while still abiding by content rules set forth by
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> FCC
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (namely, they dictate a maximum amount of air-time you
>>> may
>>>>>>>>> devote to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> advertising).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> She's an elderly lady. I'll give you her link.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can Betcher ass her abilities are all fictitious.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -sw
>>>>>>>>>>>> She works primarily with horses. There is a reason for
>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>> tell an awful lot about a horse by its body language and
>>>>>>>>> inter-action
>>>>>>>>>>>> with other horses and people, allowing you to make
>>> educated
>>>>>>>>> guesses
>>>>>>>>>>>> about its previous treatment, neuroses and fears. Pain
>>> and
>>>>>>> unseen
>>>>>>>>>>>> injuries are also easy enough to diagnose with an
>>> educated
>>>>>>> set of
>>>>>>>>>>>> hands.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I could do this and be right about 70% of the time, but
>>> I
>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>> that would *connect* with the horse about 90-95% of the
>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>>> Nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>> psychic about it though, just good rapport, good touch
>>> and
>>>>>>> lots
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> experience.
>>>>>>>>>>> That could be. I do love animals and while I don't
>>>>> necessarily
>>>>>>>>> dislike
>>>>>>>>>>> horses, they are for sure not my favorite animal. So I
>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>> know too much
>>>>>>>>>>> about me. Had two friends as a kid who were horse
>>> crazy. I
>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>>>>>> understood that. But apparently it is some sort of
>>> almost
>>>>>>> sexual
>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>>>>>> where they substitute the horse for a male.
>>>>>>>>>> It seems all to be about having control over a large
>>> animal,
>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> assessment is not far off.
>>>>>>>>> That's complete crap. As a "horse crazy" girl, I wished for
>>> a
>>>>>>> pony and
>>>>>>>>> actually got one for my 9th birthday. It has nothing to do
>>>>> with
>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>>> control over a large animal nor anything sexual. Horse
>>> lovers
>>>>>>> are no
>>>>>>>>> different than cat or dog obsessed pet owners. Perhaps in
>>> your
>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>> warped fantasy worlds its something more than that, but it's
>>>>>>> fairly
>>>>>>>>> clear to most of us here that you and Julie both live in
>>> other
>>>>>>> worlds.
>>>>>>>>> Jinx
>>>>>>>> We may be at that, and I'll not dispute my world is not
>>> typical
>>>>>>>> mainstream Americana.
>>>>>>>> I also accept that your experience need not conform to my
>>>>> anecdotal
>>>>>>>> observations.
>>>>>>>> That aside, there is room to propose that there are elements
>>> of
>>>>>>> control
>>>>>>>> and sexuality involved for _some_ horse women:
>>>>>>> se-women8217.html
>>>>>>>> There's no denying that horseback riding, at least here on the
>>>>> East
>>>>>>>> Coast, is a sport thats tied up with privilege; little blonde
>>>>>>> girls
>>>>>>>> with pigtails photographed atop their ponies next to moms
>>> Jack
>>>>>>>> Russells; Polo Ralph Lauren; Georgina Bloomberg. I always
>>> think
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> saddest part of the sport is that it is associated with the
>>>>> elite,
>>>>>>>> because at its heart of hearts, it's just being outdoors and
>>>>> being
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> a beautiful creature. While it's still not cheap by any
>>> means,
>>>>> Nir
>>>>>>> says
>>>>>>>> that shes a strong enough rider to be able to sit on
>>> anything,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> makes it work by riding other people's fancy horses. As a
>>>>> grown-up,
>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>> says the superficial values that made horseback riding
>>> slightly
>>>>>>> icky
>>>>>>>> back when she was younger mostly seems to have disappeared.
>>>>> Yennie
>>>>>>>> Solheim, another rider who works at Google and has been riding
>>>>>>> steadily
>>>>>>>> since she was a young girl, adds that as a teen, there was a
>>> lot
>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> pressure to have this fancy helmet, and that fancy riding
>>> coat.
>>>>>>> For me,
>>>>>>>> now, riding is purely a way for me to relax; it's a getaway.
>>>>>>>> As young girls, the barn offered the same thing. I was less
>>>>>>> interested
>>>>>>>> in boys than my friends were, DiSclafani says, and didn't,
>>>>> like,
>>>>>>> love
>>>>>>>> middle or high school. The barn was a total refuge. (Like
>>> her,
>>>>> and
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>> who rode, really, Christine Quinn writes in her new memoir
>>> that
>>>>>>>> horseback riding was the activity that sustained her as a
>>>>>>> teenager).
>>>>>>>> But the sexy stuff is unavoidable. This might be an
>>>>>>> oversimplification,
>>>>>>>> but girls have a lot of sexual energy at that time, and being
>>>>>>> obsessed
>>>>>>>> with horses was one way to direct that, DiSclafani adds.
>>> Looking
>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>> on my early teens, my friends and I definitely used to talk
>>> about
>>>>>>> horses
>>>>>>>> like we talked about boys (whom we were definitely not talking
>>>>> to):
>>>>>>>> Wasnt Toy just so cute today? Sarah rode Lucky, and it was so
>>>>>>> clear he
>>>>>>>> didnt like her! Windy and I just really have such good
>>>>> chemistry.
>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>> no coincidence that Yonahlossee, a bildungsroman set during
>>> the
>>>>>>>> Depression about a young girl whose wealthy family sends her
>>> away
>>>>>>> to a
>>>>>>>> horse-centric boarding school, charts her relationship with an
>>>>>>> older man
>>>>>>>> as she becomes a more competitive horseback rider. As she
>>>>> becomes
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> interested in the world of sex, she becomes a better rider,
>>> and
>>>>>>> riding
>>>>>>>> is an even more important part of her life, DiSclafani says.
>>>>>>> Ad a Midwestern farm girl, none of this applies to my world nor
>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>> else I know from these parts. My perspective is from firsthand
>>>>> knowledge
>>>>>>> and experience, not fantasy magazine articles.
>>>>>>> Can we equate a boy's love of fast cars as a sexual substitute
>>> as
>>>>> well,
>>>>>>> for that matter?
>>>>>> In some cases we might I suppose, though their puberty has unique
>>>>> facets
>>>>>> to it.
>>>>>> So?
>>>>>> What's so threatening about the horse article anyway?
>>>>>> It's not your experience after all.
>>>>> I didn't find it threatening, nor did I find it to support Julie's
>>>>> "knowledge" of a love of horses as being something sexual. Do
>>> you own a
>>>>> dog, by the way? Surely you know what people say about women and
>>> the
>>>>> real reason they own dogs, especially those big ones. Or snakes.
>>> Or
>>>>> hamsters.
>>>>> Ridiculous, isn't it?
>>>> Given the prevalence of odd behaviors amongst species?
>>>> Not so much.
>>>> There was an incident not all that long ago in Washington state
>>> between
>>>> a man and a horse, I believe the man died.
>>> I concur, some people do have a predilection for odd behaviors, however,
>>> one should not extrapolate that to the whole of a population, as Julie
>>> did with her "girls who are horse crazy" post. Typical for Julie.

>> Sorry, I didn't get that she meant all horsewomen as opposed to her "two
>> friends".
>> Might be you're reading more in there than need be.

> I did not mean all and I was referring only to those who are obsessed with
> them. Yes, I love cats. If I see a cat I will usually try to seek it out
> and pet it or at least talk to it. But if you know how cats are, you'll
> know that the cat will not usually willingly participate in this. The cat
> will usually seek out the cat hater in the room. I think a great part of my
> doing this is that my parents did not want me to have a real cat when I was
> a child. They bought me stuffed ones. Not the same. We did have two real
> ones briefly but they got rid of them. Told me one was sick and one was not
> right in the head. Don't know if the one was sick. Was too young to know.
> But the other had a litter of kittens and tried to kill them. We discovered
> that she had likely mated with her father, the only unfixed male in the
> area. I also know this is typical cat behavior when it is obvious that the
> babies are damaged in some way as all but one of them obviously were. Born
> with two heads or three legs. Stuff like that. The one that looked normal
> may well have had internal problems. The cat was unfriendly to us after
> that and my parents were afraid she would get pregnant again.
> Sometimes I think my parents were not meant to have pets. Although we did
> have a little high maintenance dog who lived to be 17, my brother and I were
> also older then and able to listen to the vet and seek out helpful
> information from books. We had two rabbits when I was a kid. Then when
> Angela brought home the book about how to care for your rabbit and she read
> it to me, I was horrified that we hadn't killed those poor rabbits! We did
> everything wrong including feeding them, the type of hutch and where it was
> kept! We also had a turtle that didn't last too long, many fish that died
> rather quickly and another dog that was supposed to be small but grew huge
> and ate everything in sight. They got rid of him.
> I would never take that sort of attitude with a pet but as a child, I wasn't
> given much choice. No matter how much I begged, pleaded or cried, I wasn't
> going to get it when it came to a pet! Instead, when I got my first cat,
> Maui, I prepared for her. I bought lots of books about caring for a
> cat/kitten and moved to a new place where I could have one. I also bought
> everything I needed ahead of time.
> When we got our current cats, we prepared ourselves mentally for getting two
> cats well in advance. We knew that it was only a matter of time for Maui on
> this earth. She was elderly and in ill health. So I bought books about
> multiple cats. And we had carriers, bowls, bigger litter box, etc. well
> before we got them. I like to be prepared.
> I would also never treat a pet as a disposable thing as some people do.
> They are our family members.

That was very eloquently stated, and I do know how cats always go for
the lap of the one least inclined to tolerate them, natural born
recruiters they are ;-)