Lasagna with no cheese.
"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 7/10/2013 4:59 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Another point about microchips: if you move or change phone numbers call
>> the company and give them your new info. When I had Persia chipped I
>> was given a tag with an ID number and their phone number. When we
>> moved, I called and had them update their database.
>> Many lost pets have been reunited with their owners (some *many* years
>> later) due to microchip technology. But having a chip is only useful if
>> the information is kept current.
> Yeah, they give you that info in the packet when you chip them. I just
> forgot about it until this thread. Its fine the way it is. If she gets
> lost and someone calls me, I can go get her or have my sister do it.
I guess people don't tend to think of such things but we have made so many
moves that changing the address on things is one of the first things I do
when I move. That and now changing my email address. The one that really
sucks for me is Terminix. Although they have my correct email, my log in is
still my old one with Verizon. They told me there is no way to change it
without setting up a new account. I am just too lazy to do that!
Then today at Les Schwab, the lady kept trying to tell me that I had no
account with them. I have been in there many times and remember her well.
Itty bitty thing with a deep tan no matter the time of year. As such her
skin looks terrible but I digress. Turns out they had two digits transposed
on my phone number. When she put it in by phone number, nothing came up.
But my name did.