On 11/07/2013 4:55 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:22:09 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 11/07/2013 3:31 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:41:45 +0200, "ViLco" > wrote:
>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> Anyone ever tallied how many Food Network personalities say,
>>>>>> "marscapone?"
>>>>> How should it be pronounced?
>>>> Mas as in "MASter", car as in "CARpet", po as in "POse" and ne as in "NEt"
>>>> would be quiet good
>>> So, pretend the first r doesn't exist? I think for most Americans,
>>> the ne part is hardest. We're used to saying knee or dropping it
>>> altogether, not saying (or hearing) neh. As I understand it, you can
>>> barely hear the "neh" part - which I will assume is why many of us,
>>> who don't speak Italian, leave it off entirely.
>> Google is your friend. DO as search for "marsacpone" it tells you is is
>> showing the results for "mascarpone" the correct spelling.
> So why did she spell it with an r? It's the end sound that the issue
She who?? Julie? Danged if I would know.
I thought the problem was that so many people call is marscapone like
the planet and the gangster when the "r" should be in the second syllable.
I have a SiL who has a way of very clearly pronouncing Assiago with a "t
Astiago. I tried gently correcting her by always clearly saying it
without that non-existent "t". But she has an Italian neighbour so she
knows best. She likes it with her eXpresso.