Dressing in a Crockpot
Jeff Bienstadt wrote:
> Miss Jean wrote:
> >> > I have not had a cigarette in Seven months, one week,
> >> > two days, 22 hours, 38 minutes and 13 seconds.
> >> > That's 4478 cigarettes not smoked, saving $456.84,
> >> > and adding 2 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours and 10 minutes to my life. But
> >> > who's counting?
> >>
> >> Hang in there - it does get better. Much better. I'm not counting either
> >> :-)
> >>
> >> Dimitri
> >>
> >> Two years, six months, one week, one day, 4 hours, 57 minutes and 50
> >> seconds. 32277 cigarettes not smoked, saving $5,648.77. Life saved: 16
> >> weeks, 1 hour, 45 minutes.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Wow! A fellow quitter in a group that doesn't have to do with quitting!
> > Sometimes those of us who are new quitters tend to think nobody ever quits
> > except those of us in the support group. I'm glad to see that's not true.
> >
> > That's a great looking meter you have there. I aspire to those kinds of
> > numbers myself.
> >
> > Thank you for making me smile today, Dimitri.
> >
> > Miss Jean, 7M+
> I quit over 7 years ago, after over 20 years of a pack-a-day habit. I've
> been lucky in that except for the first few days I really haven't had any
> cravings for cigarettes at all. So, for those of you who've quit but still
> have cravings, and still don't smoke in spite of the cravings,
> congratulations, and stick with it!
> Food certainly tastes better now that I don't smoke.
> ---jkb
> --
> "Damn you, brocolli!"
> -- Stewie Griffin
With me, it is so long ago, I don't remember when it was, but certainly
more than twenty years.
I was smoking as many as three packs a day, an avid bridge player who
played duplicate (tournament style) almost every afternoon and every
night. With the first bridge hand, everybody at the table lit up and
chain smoked for several hours. It got so bad, I would smoke between
dinner courses and if I awoke at night.
I quit "cold turkey" and that was it. For a long time, I hungered for
cigarettes during bridge games and after finishing a meal. Or with a
drink. After many years, I developed an allergy to second hand smoke,
not at all unusual, according to my doctor.
I don't know how much money I have saved. My clothes smell better and
food is much more flavorful. As far as my health is concerned, the
years of heavy smoking can't really be deleted from one's life, as I do
with Spam, so it may catch up with me at some point,