George Zimmerman
On 7/14/2013 10:39 AM, Pete C. wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On 7/14/2013 10:23 AM, Pete C. wrote:
>>> Take an angry black kid racially profiling and physically attacking an
>>> innocent person walking in their own neighborhood out of the picture and
>>> what do you have? A black kid who would still be alive and an innocent
>>> man who wouldn't have a broken nose, head injuries or be the subject of
>>> politically motivated malicious prosecution with criminally withheld
>>> evidence.
>> Obviously you wouldn't say that if it was your kid that was gunned down
>> on the street by some random goofball with a gun.
> If it was my kid he wouldn't have racially profiled someone walking in
> their own neighborhood, nor would he have physically attacked that
> person in a premeditated racially motivated hate crime.
> My kid would either have run to the house he was staying at and locked
> the door behind him, or he would have stopped and asked the person why
> he seemed to be following him. If asked "why are you here?" while he was
> in a private gated community he didn't live in, he would answer politely
> that he was visiting his father's girlfriend.
Obviously, you've never raised a kid but thanks for your efforts in
backing up the USA. Please keep up your good works!