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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Angela still loves the chicken!

Julie Bove wrote:

> I have been fixing big batches. So nice to see her smile and say
> that it is the chicken she loves! And so easy! Just boneless,
> skinless breasts, goodly amount of McCormick's Montreal Chicken
> Seasoning (Costco), a little olive oil in the pan and 20 minutes on
> medium heat. Flip halfway through.

Replace that McCormick's seasoning with salamoia bolognese (salt, rosemary,
sage, ground black pepper) and that's exactly how I often do chicken
breasts. Since I slice them I just follow a shorter cooking time, but that's
it. When I serve them I almost always make sure that a lemon is on the
table, and my favorite side for this dish is a lettuce, tomato and green
onion salad with EVO oil, red wine vinegar and S&P.
Fits perfectly in a sandwich also, with lattuce and mayonnaise.

> Husband likes chicken like this
> too so they've been having it at least twice a week. All I have to
> do is vary the sides.

Good move
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin