Martha Stewart as viewed from abroad
Kim wrote:
> I often wonder, as do my friends, why Americans look to someone like
> Martha Stewart to instruct them about lifestyle fashions and interior
> decorating.
> Has it ever dawned on this woman's devotees that she is purely and
> simply an entrepreneural businesswoman who has marketed herself very
> well?
Yes it has. I'm not one but I know people who are, and yes, it has. She
is entertainment. People watch pro-wrestling, and personally, I'd rather
be stuck on a long car trip with Martha fans over pro-wrestling or
monster truck fans.
What I heard her say on radio was rather dignified.
And I loved a political cartoon in the paper today...a huge rhino with
the words corporate scandles on it, facing reader, with a little hunter
in a pith helmet, holding a blunderbuss in one hand and the feet of a
dangling rabbit in the other, with Martha written on it. The rabbit was
held high, and the hunter looked like my 2 year old when he sneaks a
cookie, but the rhino was right behind and loomed large.