> wrote in message
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 22:37:21 -0400, Cheryl >
> wrote:
>>I only keep containers some food comes in to capture used oil and grease
>>that can't go down the drain. Mostly cottage cheese containers because
>>I love that for breakfast so I go through a couple of tubs a month. The
>>rest of them I don't keep, they go in the recycle bin rather than
>>clutter up my cabinets. The only other ones I tend to keep are the
>>small ones that WisPride cheese comes in. I love that stuff for snacks.
>> The small containers are useful.
>>http://www.wegmans.com/webapp/wcs/st...52&lang Id=-1
> As well as containers there seems to be a problem with wire coat
> hangers from the dry cleaners. I think they go in the closet, mate,
> breed and multiply. Should have been dumped before they came home
lol IKWYM. I have been very good for ages now take out the wired
thingies, replace with good ones before I put them away *strutt* I