On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 09:41:35 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >
> > The silver lining is that it turns out Trader Joe's Thai Chili sauce
> > http://www.traderjoes.com/images/fea...i-sauce450.png
> > is a fantastic chicken marinade and I'm inspired enough to make my own
> > in the future.
> I'll take at your word for that and buy some tomorrow at TJ's. :-D
What I will do next time is not marinade the chicken, I'll brush it on
as the chicken cooks (less mess that way).
> > Cast iron skillets work just as well as the grill pan. The only so
> > called "advantage" I can think of is you'll get grill marks with the
> > grill pan.... IMO, (seasoned, but not marinated) steaks cook just as
> > well on either.
> And stainless steel pans work just as well as cast iron if you know what
> you're doing.
I use a very high heat when I cook meat that way and I don't like
scorching my ss pans - in any case, I have a couple of big cast iron
pans from my pre-ss days to use.
> Speaking of Trader Joe's. I've been munching on a bag of TJ's, "Savory thin
> mini rice crackers, multiseed with soy sauce." They are very good and
> flavorful but I can't help thinking that they would be better with some soft
> cheese as a dip.
> I'm very cheese-challenged so I don't know what to try but I'll bet
> something would enhance these rice crackers.
TJ's has a Pub cheese (spreadable cheddarish type) that you might
like. I've tried both flavors, but prefer plain over jalapeno.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.