Diabetes and Statins
On 07/19/2013 09:44 PM, DonOpple0paad wrote:
>> Yeah. I got annoyed with him a while ago but to me he's one of those people
>> >who could be dangerous to a newbie because of some of his misinformation.
>> >Apparently*he* KFs those who don't agree with him.
>> >
> How do you know he kill filed you?
Hi Don,
Actually I told her so as a courtesy so she wouldn't waste
her time writing me. I also told her it was because she likes
to pick fights.
I truly don't mind if folks disagree with me, as long as they
are gentleman about it. If you only listen to folks that agree
with you, your brain will shrivel like a prune. I love
being around folks who disagree without being disagreeable.