notbob wrote:
> On 2004-07-28, Anne Duhon > wrote:
>>Can anyone recommend a quality 4 quart pressure cooker?
> Kuhn-Rikon is the one you will see most often associated with 'quality'.
> Unfortunately, it's also the one you see most associated with 'insane
> price'! I've got one and it's a great unit. But, I doubt I'd have it if I
> hadn't stumbled across it for 40% off at a clearance sale.
> You are looking for a 4qt size, right? Kuhn-Rikon makes a 3.5L (3.7qts)
> Anniversary promo model that goes for $100 everywhere. Personally, I'd
> recommend a 5qt unit (what I have), but that's up around the $170-180
> level.
> <
> According to Barb, another great brand is the Magefesa, which she says was
> first choice, even over the K-R, in one of those consumer rating rags a few
> years back. Only problem is finding one. In two years I never could find
> one at a store or on the net. But, that was some time ago. Now they're
> starting to show up here and there. Here's one on ebay:
> < 685
> Definitely a more sane price! 4L (liters) works out to 4.2qts.
> enjoy =D
> nb
Did you note that they won't ship to the States ?????