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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Let's talk fritters!

Gary wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Gary" wrote:
>>> Your peach idea sounds good. I agree with what sf said above too.

>> Thanks! Angela said she doesn't want them for her birthday so I
>> won't be varying them. We don't like peaches in this house but my
>> nephew and bro do.

> Screw your nephew and brother. Make what your family likes and they
> can take it or leave it.

That's not how my family is. Everyone gets what they want. And she doesn't
want the fritters. She doesn't even want food. She and I are getting much
similar in that regard. Seems that when it comes to the dinners or lunches
of others, they pick what they want and it is often something that we can't
or won't eat. So we suffer through the meal, either picking at a bad salad
or eating nothing or we just don't go to that part. And then there is the
danged dessert were everyone *has* to have what they want. We actually got
out of that part for a little while. Our family is mostly diabetics and we
don't need dessert. But my dad is getting increasingly senile and has lost
a lot of weight. So he needs the extra calories (he is also diabetic but
seems to have no blood sugar issues currently) plus he associates a dessert
with a special occasion. So we are only doing this and the other little
things for him. He also seems to love those blow tickler things or some
kind of cheap little party favor. So we go out of our way to find these
things for him.

I think we will wind up doing what we did the last time. We got a small
sugar free lemon cake, some cookies and some other kind of cake. Chocolate?
Can't remember. Also two single serve packages of candy. We managed to
find something for everyone and it was all small portions.

She really wanted to escape the lunch and I don't blame her. Seems when it
comes to us, if we pick a place to eat at that someone doesn't like, we hear
about it! My favorite Mexican places are places that others don't like
becuause they don't like the sauces. They prefer the gloppy, cheesy
Americanized Mexican stuff and that's what I don't like. So for my birthday
I picked a Mexican restaurant that I thought was new to the others. Turns
out that it wasn't. They didn't dislike it but Angela disliked the meal
that she ordered and now won't go back. She truly hates to go out to eat
but... There is no house we can all meet up at now. Ours is far too small
and we don't have place for everyone to sit. Same for my nephew's place.
My brother's place is big enough but there are other issues I won't get into
here. And my mom has gotten rid of most everything and I think doesn't want
us all there because my dad isn't there. So any way you slice it, birthdays
are almost never pleasant experiences for us.

> Sounds like Angela's bd is coming soon. I hope she has a nice
> special one. Is this the 16th?

> I took my daughter out for dinner at Outback on her 16th birthday. The
> dumbass waitress assumed that I was some old guy out on a dinner date
> with a hot young chick. She obviously had some personal issues along
> that line.

That happened to me once when I went out with my dad. I was older. Maybe
19 or 20.
> All during dinner, she was very nice to my daughter and VERY cold to
> me. I finally figured out the problem with her and I mentioned that I
> was the dad and she was my daughter and it was her birthday.
> She immediately got all appologized for treating me like crap all
> through dinner....saying that she "often sees old guys dating young
> girls."


> I told her to get a life and not assume anything.
> I could have complained to the manager and gotten a free meal but I
> just left it. I don't know about my daughter, but that whole thing
> certainly ruined the night for me. I haven't gone back since. I can
> make a better steak dinner at home anyway for way less the price.

Yeah. In my case it wasn't the wait staff but some little old ladies at
another table. My dad thought it was funny. I did not.