Let's talk fritters!
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:30:12 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> ImStillMags wrote:
>> Yes. The name makes that very clear. But why would I want to do that?
>> Why
>> would anyone?
> Because they want to know what something looks like. That's why there
> are pictures in magazines and cookbooks.
I don't necessarily need to know what something looks like. I made Gorditas
and they came out fine even though I'd never had them before. The only
thing missing from that recipe was the size of the finished product. As
such, mine were tiny. Each one about the size of a fifty cent piece so I
was only able to put meat in them and no other fillings. Perhaps had there
been a picture of them, I could have seen that they should have been larger.
But I truly don't need pictures to make a recipe. In fact some of my
favorite cookbooks have no pics at all. Or very few. I have said it
before, but perhaps not here. I am not a pic person.
>> >
>> > In other words you pin the things you want to save for later to your
>> > own boards. If you see a dish or a hair style or a garden project,
>> > etc. that you would like to investigate further, you pin it to your
>> > own board and then go back when you have the time and check it out.
>> > I find it fun to scroll down the main page and see what's up at that
>> > time or check out the categories if I'm looking for something in a
>> > particular area or a particular kind of recipe.
>> I can do that in my favorites and it's easier to access them from there!
> What? Using bookmarks/favorites as a file system is clunky and
> cumbersome. There is no search function to help find a specific item
> and you have to wade through a bunch of text titles with nothing
> except a few words to give you a clue about what it is unless you go
> to the website (which would be too much pesky clicking for you).
It's not clunky and cumbersome at all. And I can always tell by the words
what the website is! Reading through text titles is not a problem for me at
all. But looking at a pic and wondering what it is for, can be.
>> I don't have to go to a website.
> Of course you do!
No. I meant, I don't have to go to a website to access the links. With
Pinterest, you do. You have to go to *their* website and then go from
there. You sent me that link and instead of it bringing up the page that
you thought it would, it sent me to my own Pinterest board. And from there,
all I got was a bunch of pics. The pics didn't necessarily tell me what the
food was and so I wound up wasting a lot of time clicking on them, only to
find that I already had saved that recipe. So all in all that method
doesn't work for me at all. If it works for you, great! But it's not my
idea of a good time in any way shape or form.
>>I don't have to log in
> Logging in isn't an issue, although you seem to think it is.
>> I don't have to hunt through a bunch of pics.
> Looking at images is too hard for you? It's a lot easier than
> searching the text results from any other search engine and the same
> as searching the images on any other search engine.
I don't want to have to look through images. I'd much rather see the words.
Searching with a search engine is not hard for me to do at all. I use
Swagbucks and they pay me to search. I just checked to see how much I've
made so far. I got the toolbar about 2 years ago and have made $350 in
Amazon.com gift cards. I did not keep track of how many points I used for
charities or spent on contests. But quite a few more.
>> >
>> > It's all in how you use it and what you use it for.
>> I don't.
> If you're too closed minded to look at a Pinterest search that was
> already done for you, then you obviously don't want your question
> answered and your primary purpose is to find fault in the suggestions.
> Nobody can answer you without falling into a Julie trap. I tried to
> give you a broad and bland answer but fell into the trap anyway. Only
> you know what you want and what you will settle for, so figure it out
> all by yourself.
I'm not close minded at all. You think you did a Pinterest search for me
but as I said... All that did was bring me to my own page. Frankly I
didn't know that I could search on there but I now know. And I also know
that I probably won't ever do it again. How many pics of zucchini fritters
do I need to see? I'd much rather just click the link and go to the recipe.
And sometimes there is enough verbage on the link for me to know that the
recipe is not right for me.
> Now I see you've changed your mind. Glad no one put a significant
> amount of time or thought into helping you, because it's always wasted
> when you're involved.
Changed my mind about what? I asked for a discussion of fritters. Not
Pinterest. Again... I'm glad that it works for you. You might also be one
of those people who likes to see pics on a menu. I don't.