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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> Oh take no notice. She is bitching because no one is interested in
>>>> her beloved Pinterest
>>> OK... time for me to step in here. You and Julie are ganging up on
>>> sf for no
>>> good reason other than maybe past issues.... cat fight.
>>> SF did not turn Julie's message into a pinterest issue.
>>> If you use a real newsreader, go back and read the tread from the
>>> beginning.
>>> Julie posted her first thing asking about other fruits to use for
>>> fritters.
>>> SF responded next and included a very helpful link to Pinterest. All
>>> of the
>>> things there were vegan fritter ideas.
>>> From there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you,
>>> Julie, and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed
>>> that Julie dismissed it so quickly. And I don't blame her. Evidently,
>>> Julie got that crappy looking dates/apple fritters from
>>> the same place. When she clicked on sf's
>>> link, she evidently got the same page and stupidly thought that was
>>> her home
>>> page.
>>> I stick up for sf on this one. She was just trying to be helpful
>>> and you two have dissed her for that? Only on RFC! :-(
>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>> that sf
>>> gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes. I do like
>>> to see a
>>> pic of what they are talking about rather than just text. Most of
>>> my real cookbooks have pictures too.

>> Good for you
>> You tell me whenever you have seen Julie initiating a bitching
>> session to ANYBODY! All she said was that she didn't like it and I
>> said nor did I. Perhaps you need to read again!
>> You surprise me, but you won't again

> I have a feeling this one isn't going to drop. I tried to start a
> discussion of fritters. Then it veered as things will do on the
> Interenet. But now I seem to be being blamed for that veering.
> Whatever...

Yes that is exactly what happened!

But you always are, and now I am by association) Don't worry Julie, I
certainly don't)) let them bitch on and on and on ... as they do! We
have better things to worry about eh? There are plenty of nice people
around here so let us ignore the rest.