On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>>>> anything.
>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me again
>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!
>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?
> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to try
> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to call
> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not sure
> who was right on that score.
I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.
Its no exact science at all.
>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good pics
>>> of
>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>> better
>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>> She
>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted. But
>>> she
>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is not
>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there when
>>> we
>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is rare.
>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>> tamed.
>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?
> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!
That's adorable.
>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her behind
>>> the
>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.
>>> http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y22...ps53bc7dfa.jpg
>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
>> her markings perfectly.
>> Enjoy!
> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
> grass she ate it right away.
Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along
and happy life together.
Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?