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casa bona[_2_] casa bona[_2_] is offline
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

On 7/22/2013 6:07 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not
>>>>>>> missing
>>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me
>>>>> again
>>>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!
>>>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?
>>> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
>>> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
>>> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
>>> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
>>> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
>>> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
>>> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to
>>> try
>>> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to
>>> call
>>> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not
>>> sure
>>> who was right on that score.

>> I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
>> is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.
>> Its no exact science at all.

> Yes. I do know this. I used to have a couple of packs of Tarot cards.
> Don't think I have them any more because you can do readings for free
> online. I would occasionally do readings for other people and they always
> were amazed and claim that I was dead on! I am no more psychic than anyone
> else. I do on rare occasions have psychic flashes, if you will. Twice, I
> was driving and something told me to pull over quickly. I did. Both times
> there was an out of control car behind me. Of course I had finite clues
> like hearing the car behind me. Once as a child, I was sitting, waiting to
> see who would get which part in the Snow White Operetta that I had tried out
> for. And sure enough I just knew who was going to get Snow White.
> Sometimes I just know things. But other times when I wish I could just know
> things, I don't and I can't.

I once sat through a stoplight turn signal on green which, had I entered
the intersection, I'd have been obliterated by a speeding limo, of all

Seemed like I was in a trance, and no one behind honked either.

> When I did a reading for my mom, I said something about a dark haired man
> and a dark haired woman. I had no clues who these people were. That's just
> what the cards said. She immediately said it was her sister and the man she
> had hooked up with who wasn't my uncle. My uncle, BTW has dark hair too.
> And I had no clue about the other man. So my mom just admitted details to
> me that I did not know. And when I did a reading for a friend, he said that
> the red haired woman that the cards referred to was his ex. So people will
> readily admit things.
> This is not my only dealing with a psychic. I have been to three others.
> One did predict the time frame of my wedding and she was correct on that
> But she also referred to my boss as a woman. Sorry Mr. C. I could just
> never see you as a woman! And she told me to paint my office blue. It was
> already blue! She also told my mom that her SIL was very ill and was going
> to die soon. Now this would have been...lemme think...24 years ago. Aunt
> C. is still alive. Not doing so well medically now but the medical problems
> didn't crop up until fairly recently.
> Another one told me that I was a monk in a former life. Guess I have no way
> of verifying that. She told me that I have two guardian angels. Guess I
> have no way of verifying that either. And she had me draw my aura on a
> piece of paper. She had me use a variety of crayon colors and the way the
> aura came out is in no way the way it says an aura would look according to
> my book of auras. And no, can not see them. No matter what techique I use,
> I can not see them at all.

Nor can I.

> The last one also did balloon animals. He was very nice, very friendly and
> a cat lover. And best of all, cheap! So I hired him and later brought my
> mom in for a reading. I can't remember the time frame on that. Maybe 3
> years ago? Although he was highly entertaining, I don't think anything he
> said came true. I can't remember all of the specifics. He said I would get
> a small windfall, perhaps from someone passing away. I did have some
> distant relatives pass away but didn't inherit a thing. And I did get some
> small sums of money that I wasn't expecting. He told my mom that she would
> win big at gambling. And she used to. But since he told her this, she has
> only won maybe 2-3 times and no big wins like she used to get. Used to be
> she would win maybe $2,000 every month or two and lesser sums in between.
> Like $200. And she is not a big gambler. Only plays the slots at casinos.
> These days only the local casinos. She used to go to Reno or Vegas once or
> twice a year.

Sounds more like good guessing to me.

>>>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good
>>>>> pics
>>>>> of
>>>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>>>> better
>>>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>>>> She
>>>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted.
>>>>> But
>>>>> she
>>>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is
>>>>> not
>>>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there
>>>>> when
>>>>> we
>>>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is
>>>>> rare.
>>>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>>>> tamed.
>>>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?
>>> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
>>> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
>>> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!

>> That's adorable.

> Angela just picked her up. As in really picked her up and put her on her
> shoulder. I am soo happy! I have been tempted but... For some reason the
> cats seem to be more willing to let Angela pick them up than me. Perhaps
> because they see her only for the fun things. I am the one who takes them
> for nail clips, to the vet, gives their medicine when needed, etc. So if I
> pick them up, in their eyes a bad thing could follow. She has pounced
> across my lap and across my foot and twice she let me lay down with her. I
> am just afraid if we let her out into the house, she will become frightened
> and find some place to hide. And since she is so tiny, we might not find
> her for a while. So I want to make sure that she is totally fine with us
> and feels safe. I think we are close to getting there. She does want to
> come out!

This is like cat whispering, you hold back your acceptance and then they
want it more.

A fins strategy, imo.

>>>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her
>>>>> behind
>>>>> the
>>>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.
>>>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
>>>> her markings perfectly.
>>>> Enjoy!
>>> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
>>> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
>>> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
>>> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
>>> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
>>> grass she ate it right away.

>> Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along and
>> happy life together.
>> Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?

> Yes. She seems to know that she needs to be in the bathroom to be safe
> until she has adjusted. Jazzy seems to really love any and all kittens. If
> we have a show on TV or are doing a Youtube or something with kittens
> meowing, she goes into alert mode, ripping around the house trying to find
> them. She did not want to give her kittens up and especially not Bali.
> They said she cried non-stop for the two days when Bali was away being
> spade. She only calmed down when she got her back. She also nursed her way
> beyond one year and became alarmed any time Bali did anything she deemed to
> be dangerous (which was actually pretty frequent) or went out of sight.
> One thing that Bali loved to do was get on top of the kitchen cupboards. No
> matter what I tried to block her from doing this, she found a way around it.
> So I took down everything that was up there and when we redid the kitchen, I
> replaced those things with a very few select things to go with our yellow
> paint and red pepper trim. Like a clear bowl of plastic peppers. Also a
> bowl of grapes and one of apples and pears. Bali kept knocking off the bowl
> of apples and pears because for some odd reason there is a tiny window up
> where they are and she liked to look out it.
> The odd thing is, after she went missing, the bowl toppled over. I joked to
> Angela that Bali's ghost must have done it. It happened when there were no
> cats in the house and in fact it was the night before we got Jazzy back.

I'd take that as a sign also.

I lost a kitty prematurely and for years she'd appear in our loft, yes
visually, in her special spot looking down.

You;d just have this feeling of being watched.

> Since it has been hot, I just left everything as it was. But last night I
> was stuck in the kitchen for a little while waiting for something to finish
> cooking. So I climbed up there with my reaching tool and put it all back.
> Hopefully I got it all. I can't see up there because it is so high so the
> best I could do was poke around with the tool then fish for whatever it was
> when I hit something.

Any more tumblings down, please let us know.