Thread: Ping: Cheryl
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Ping: Cheryl

"Cheryl" > wrote in message

> Oh yeah, forgot. I've been off of ciggs since Jan 1 2012. I really don't
> even want one except very occasionally, usually due to stress. I should
> also admit that I tried ecigs a year before I quit but didn't try long
> enough and was still smoking even though I was puffing on the e things. A
> year later was when I started back up on the ecigs and haven't smoked a
> real cigg since.

Good for you, I've been off cigarettes for:

Three years, seven months, three weeks, four days, 6 hours, 52 minutes and
14 seconds. 39998 cigarettes not smoked, saving $10,999.27. Life saved: 19
weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes.

But I got hooked on the nicotine lozenges for quite a while after stopping
cigarettes. That was a hard habit to break too, but I am nicotine free and
happy about it. Stay off of them!
