Thread: Ping: Cheryl
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Ping: Cheryl

On 7/23/2013 11:49 AM, Cheri wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/23/2013 8:54 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
>>>> A neighbor came over the other day to look at an item I had for
>>>> sale. I
>>>> met her at the door and warned her this is a smoking household. She
>>>> stepped in and took a deeeeeeeep breath! She said, "I quit smoking
>>>> five
>>>> years ago, I'm living vicariously!" LOL Yet other non-smokers have
>>>> commented the house doesn't smell at all smokey. Go figure.
>>> I'd figure they were telling you a little white lie :-) Trust me, to
>>> non-smokers there is no such thing as a smoker OR a smoking home that
>>> doesn't smell of it.
>>> Janet UK

>> That may be true, Janet. Although on occasions when I hadn't
>> forewarned people they seemed honestly surprised when I asked, "Mind
>> if I smoke?" (I shouldn't have to ask in my own home, but believe it
>> or not I *am* polite.)
>> Jill

> I never smoked in my house, always on the patio, and boy it could sure
> get cold out there at times. :-)
> Cheri

I sort of miss cold weather. I got to wear a winter jacket in
January! A couple of times!

It seems it is always warm and humid here. People have been telling me
for years it doesn't rain here. Well, I'm looking at the sky right now.
The wind has been tossing around the trees. The Spanish moss is
dancing from the live oaks. There is occasional sun. It is humid, too.
I can tell it's going to rain. <G> It does this every year in
May/June/July. Late afternoon evening showers or thunderstorms.

I don't have a covered outdoor space so I won't sit outside to smoke.
