Martha Stewart as viewed from abroad
Jeff Russell > wrote:
> Exactly Tony. And her lie was that she said she was innocent. Sounds like
> circular reasoning by the prosecution to me. Guess all people investigated
> must confess now or more charges will be piled on.
How do you know what lie Martha Steward told to the investigators? Were
you there? Were you in court to here all the testimony? If the government's
case against Martha is so strong, why is their star prosecution witness
up on perjury charges for lies he told in Martha's case when he testified
at her trial?
> I think the original poster twisted the facts to suit her argument.
> Some people like MS products and ideas. Some also feel she was punished
> because of her position and attitude and that it wasn't justice at all.
> I think the original poster's argument takes a too emotionalized view of the
> way people look at MS.