gtr wrote:
>> I love both NP and M&R, vermouth is a wonderful wine/liquor. I only
>> use it plain or on the rocks, but sometimes I mix red martini with
>> white wine and have a Fake Spritz.
> Important to point out that I despise M&R *Extra Dry* which is the
> swill they have in the vast majority in bars and restaurants in the
> US. Their blanco (aka "dry") vermouth is great stuff and I like both
> that and their rosso. Still prefer Noilly Pratt dry or Dolin sweet
> (red) in cocktails though.
I too stand by white and red, the extra dry has strange flavor, reminds me
of green olives, which I don't like in martini.
And for the fancy schmancy, thay made a bottle branded Dolce & Gabbana (yes,
the two tax-dodging *** designers) which costs as 3 bottles of bianco or
Sounds like they put many fancy ingredneits in the bergamotto from
calabria, spanish saffron, indian ginger, pepper from indonesia... They'll
have to wait a long time before I fork out 20 euros for one of those bottles
> I think it's important to be able to taste the element straight
> without a grimace or gag-reflex if you're going to mix it in a
> cocktail.
LOL, agree
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin