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Default Sauerkraut Juice

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 11:04:32 PM UTC-7, Tommy Joe wrote:
> About 45 years ago I remember drinking sauerkraut juice from small yellow cans in Pennsylvania. I believe the brand was Keeters or Kesters, something like that. It is not listed on-line. I saw one for Franks but they don't have it around here, not even at the Whole Foods or Trader Joes. My memory of it is nice. I used it as a temporary hangover cure, also enjoyed the zing of it.
> Anyway, I suppose to make kraut juice one must first have kraut. I'm sure either process is probably more involved than I'd like. Does anybody have any suggestions? In other words, would I just be better off buying cheap sauerkrat in bags and squeezing the juice out of them, or is making the stuff perhaps less involved than I think? I have no juicer, no food processor, only a blender - so any process involving those helper would be out. Thanks.
> By the way, I haven't had sauerkraut juice in years. Maybe my craving for it is purely nostalgia based, because the harder it gets for me to find the stuff, the greater it's appeal becomes. Maybe I'm in love with the elusiveness of the item. Maybe when I finally find the stuff I'll take one sip and puke in disgust. But I doubt it. Anyway, any hints on this would be appreciated. I believe I really did enjoy the stuff once a week or so and suspect that maybe my body is calling out for it with holistic desperation. Thanks.

As far as I know, kraut juice is just the brine. A 14 oz can of Frank's has TWO
GRAMS of sodium. I would get a bag and let it drip through a strainer, or even
rinse a bag or jar's worth of sauerkraut, and sip the rinsings.