What happened to peeled onions?
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:12:31 -0700 (PDT), merryb >
>On Saturday, July 27, 2013 11:46:07 PM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Kalmia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > "Needed one right away? In a hurry to use it?" How long does it take you
>> > to peel an onion? You can be most annoying.
>> Peeling onions can be annoying. Because then you have to dispose of the
>> peels. When you do that here, that involves the use of a purchased biobag
>> and a trip outside to dispose of it.
>> >
>> > In the time you waste on inane posts, you could peel a peck of onions.
>> > What I'm getting at is.....sincerely, you need to manage your time better.
>> Whatever.
>You know you can just put it in the garbage can. You seem to like to make things so much more difficult than they need to be!
I get the impression that where Julie lives there are garbage police,
going through people's trash looking for organic materials and issuing
hefty fines whenever a banana peel or eggshell is found.