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Default Sauerkraut Juice

On Sunday, July 28, 2013 4:42:54 PM UTC-7, Tommy Joe wrote:

> Funny thing, I was in that site a few days ago after googling sauerkraut juice. I didn't go all the way down the page to the part about recipes though. Man, some of that stuff is gourmet priced. Now, the Franks juice, that doesn't sound too out of line - $25 for 12 14 oz cans. $2 a can isn't bad for something not easily found. The stuff I used to drink when I had my teenage hangovers came in 6 oz cans, the perfect size. 14 ounces seems a bit much, although no one's saying I have to drink the whole can. I have a slow computer and just getting to that site was tough enough, so I'm not going to go delving deeper into things, like the recipes, not for now anyway. Just want you to know I used your link and I have been to that site before. I tried. Oh God in heaven, how I tried.

Frank's Kraut Juice came in those little cans back when Frank's was made in Franksville, Wisconsin. Frank's was bought out by some big Ohio juggernaut who closed the factory and ended the annual Sauerkraut Festival.