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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Sauerkraut Juice

On Sunday, July 28, 2013 10:47:07 PM UTC-4, Michael Press wrote:

> Sauerkraut is an example of brine fermentation.
> Sauerkraut juice
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> <>
> Technical
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Some of that was interesting. I saw some methods listed as simple as easy for making kraut and it's juice, but let's face it, simple and easy are subjective terms. I think I'll just send away for the Franks stuff, maybe try one or two other local stores in the area first just to see. I am surprised kraut juice as touted for all it's healthy benefits isn't more readily available to the "I want to live forever" crowd at Whole Foods where I looked for it and found that even they don't carry it. I guess they're shelving it until they come up with a better marketing name, something without 'kraut' on the label. Maybe "No Carb Kraut" would be a good start. But I think they want the word 'kraut' of there totally. It could be some kind of anti German campaign. "Fermented Spring Juice" has a lively rejuvenating sound to it. Yeah, maybe that's why it's hard to find, they've taken it off the shelves while working on calling it something else to draw in yuppie bucks from the "I want to live forever" crowd.