On 7/28/2013 10:02 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> There is an obvious market for stuff like that. And apparently I am in that
> market. I just bought celery sticks the other day. Why not? This time of
> year I have no need for the leaves or the little bits. I use those for soup
> during the winter. So it just makes more sense for me to buy them already
> trimmed. And they came from Winco so they were cheap. Same for the carrot
> sticks and chips in my fridge. My time is worth something as well. So
> buying stuff like this makes sense for me.
I just bought a package of "celery sticks" and it is convenient. I
didn't see much difference in price. I usually only buy celery hearts
but this package had both the light green and the darker green celery.
I'll eat the light green raw and use the darker for cooking.
I'm right now munching on some of the light green with peanut butter.
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