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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default What do you call "Bolognese" sauce?

Cheryl wrote:

> I've tried so many versions of lasagna mostly because it's my favorite
> dish ever. Growing up, my mom made the most awesome homemade sauce
> from tomatoes out of the garden, but her lasagna was made with low fat
> cottage cheese. I absolutely loved it. Once I started cooking on my
> own and seeing recipes for it, I realized that's Americanized from the
> 70s I guess, and only to reduce fat or something. The way I figure it
> is that lasagna is not something I eat many times a year, so I'm going
> all out when I make it.
> I like it made with a bechamel, but I've never done a bolognese like
> you described. It's now on my to-do list.

I'd love to be able to airmail lasagna servings, my ones and the ones from
La Vecia Bulągna, a restaurant in Bologna whos' renowned for their lasagne

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Anthelme Brillat Savarin