What do you call "Bolognese" sauce?
ViLco wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> >> There is, the cream which forms atop a liter of whole milk left
> >> overnight
> > Only if you can get non homogenized milk, something that is pretty
> > rare in the US.
> It was hard to find here too then, 5 or 6 years ago, these raw milk stalls
> started poppin' up everywhere and the milk they sell is not homogenized and
> not pasteurised, get the whole raw milk and that's the real deal
Raw milk is mostly illegal to sell here. There is a vocal minority who
thinks it's the greatest thing around, much like the kooks who still
believe the phony vaccine-autism claims, but there seem to be sufficient
illness outbreaks connected to raw milk to prove them wrong.