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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Sauerkraut Juice

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:40:58 AM UTC-4, Sqwertz wrote:

> The sauerkraut in the cans has always been watered down, IME. But
> never had Frank's juice. I prefer the stuff right out of the jar of
> sauerkraut. I have a quart in the fridge right now with no juice left
> in it.

I think for now I'll go with your method. Thanks. As for canned kraut, even before your response I was thinking canned would be last on the list behind jarred or bagged. I like sauerkraut with things at times, but only once did I have some and rave about it. It was red sauerkraut, very strong but kind of sweet, but not too sweet, at a small and not too expensive Czech restaurant when I lived in Hollywood, and the juice from the kraut swam out over the plate beneath the pork and dumplings on top. But I think your suggestion makes sense. I'm going to the market tomorrow anyway, so kraut is on my list. All kraut is fermented, right?