On 2013-08-01, Cheryl > wrote:
> On 7/30/2013 8:45 AM, Pete C. wrote:
>> Raw milk is mostly illegal to sell here. There is a vocal minority who
>> thinks it's the greatest thing around, much like the kooks who still
>> believe the phony vaccine-autism claims, but there seem to be sufficient
>> illness outbreaks connected to raw milk to prove them wrong.
> Ah, that answers my raw milk question. I've seen people on local web
> forums here asking if anyone knows where to get raw milk but I've never
> seen it answered. I figure it's illegal and if the person asking is
> getting an answer, it's probably in private.
Lotta disinformation on raw milk. Why? For the same reason it became
illegal for stores to distinguish BGH milk from non-BGH milk. Cuz
agribiz has too much to lose by allowing the truth to be known. Some
ppl claim raw milk has actually cured some things like eczema and
asthma. OTOH, some ppl believe astrology and that eating tiger penis
cures impotance.
Do I have the definitive answers? No. Do I still believe all the
horror stories I've heard about the dangers of drinking raw milk? Not
fer a microsecond. I do know for a fact I and my fellow GIs once
drank a gallon of raw milk brought all the way from Germany to our
semi-remote 60s USAF base in Libya N. Africa and it was one of the
most sublime foods I've ever ingested in my life, which I'm happy to
say is still motoring right along quite nicely, thank you.
You wanna see a pretty scary documentary about raw milk and the
draconian steps the govt has taken to keep it from informed
intelligent ppl? Get hold of the film Farmageddon by Krisy Canty.
Far more scary than any of the lurid tales of death and disease the
govt feeds us about raw moo juice.