On Tuesday, July 16, 2013 9:00:51 PM UTC-7, I'm back wrote:
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in
> > Plus the burgers
> > look tiny around but strangely tall. Like they would be hard to eat.
> A couple thousand people would tend to disagree with you... they're the
> ones who actually eat them, not look at a photo and make a decision.
They look homemade to me -- maybe that's why they look strange to JB
> http://www.news.com.au/business/your...tracking-food-
> truck-for-adelaides-best-burger/story-fn9evb64-1226632487016
> > Angela and I recently tried a burger place and for once I had a bun
> > with my burger but I didn't eat much of it. Didn't care for it at
> > all. They had toasted the bun. I had forgotten that I really dislike
> > toasted buns.
Toasted buns are a nice extra touch I appreciate. When I make burgers over coals I always toast the buns.
> When buns are toasted over here, most only toast the *inside* of the
> bun, and not the outside.
The mystery of truck sauce explained, and bun selection in Adelaide: