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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Home Grocery Delivery

> On Thursday, August 1, 2013 5:01:17 PM UTC-7, jmcquown wrote:
> I can tell you never had a child who became a vegetarian at age 13.
> My SIL was not about to seek out a health food store just to feed one
> child. The various Morningstar Farms meat analogs were a godsend.

I try not to buy many soy based things now but since daughter has gone
vegetarian it is inevitable that she will have them sometimes. Last night I
made her some faux chicken that was made of wheat and pea protein. Served
with faux chicken gravy. Smelled divine! Felt like chicken to me when I
cut it up and she said it tasted just like chicken.

The weird thing is, when I was a vegetarian, I never ate such stuff unless
perhaps some well meaning person fixed it for me and that wouldn't have been
very often. I did use soy bacon a few times and also those faux bacon bits.
But other than that I didn't seek out stuff that pretended to be meat. I
just preferred to eat meat.

I guess I am lucky here in that we have a lot of vegans so we do have
expanded lines of things in most of the stores beside Morningstar Farms,
Tofurkey and Quorn.