OT - waaaaaay OT...... lawn tractors
On 02/08/2013 4:13 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
> John Deere makes a very good machine that is relatively easy to
> maintain.
> Husqvarna is a very good brand with a solid reputation. One hopes
> you don't have to count on Sears for service, though. Just as long
> as you swear never to buy any Craftsman power tool or machine, you
> should be fine. ;-)). (Craftsman hand tools are great.)
Fact is that a lot of the different makes are all made by the made off
shore manufacturer. They paint them different colours and put different
company emblems but they have the same engines, transmissions, decks
etc. A number of years ago I bought a John Deere lawn tractor which was
a bit of a lemon and it turned out to me an MTD product painted up with
the Deere colours and emblems. The transmission went on it and was
repaired under warranty. A few months later the new transmission crapped
out on me and when I took it back they balked at repairing it under
warranty saying that Deere would not let them do it twice.